Product Update: Duplicate Spaces, Tap to Organize, and More File Integrations
This product update makes it easier to organize your conversations through tasks and notes, adds support for Dropbox, One Drive, Smartsheets, and Adobe Creative Cloud, and makes the mobile app even more useful and beautiful.
Read along to find out more!
Duplicate spaces [PRO]
If you are on the PRO plan, you are now able to duplicate spaces in Rock! When you have multiple projects that use the same workflow (e.g. website development, marketing campaigns, employee onboarding) you can now easily make a copy of a space.
You can access the duplicate space feature in space settings by pressing "Details" in the top right corner of every space. Duplicate spaces can be accessed by pressing the three dots on the right.
Note: You must be an admin in a group space for the duplicate space option to appear in your space settings. Only group spaces can be duplicated, both PRO and free spaces can be duplicated.

When duplicating a space, you can decide whether you want to move all tasks and/or notes to the new space.
Members, chat messages, task comments and assignees, attachments, and integrations in a space are not copied. This allows you to start with a clean slate. You can always add the information again when the space has been created.
You can also directly invite people to your duplicated space in the panel. It is possible to invite up to 100 people to join you by sharing their emails separated by comma, semicolon, space or newlines.
Rock Team tip: If you know you want to reuse a specific space, create this space but don’t use it for the actual project. Instead set up your space and name it as a template (e.g. “Website [TEMPLATE]”). This way you can easily copy the space for future projects.

Tap to Organize
Even though Rock is asynchronous by default, most of us still send messages to discuss certain things. The problem with these messages is that they can easily get lost in a space and if they are related to a specific task or note it’s difficult to refer to them.
With the new Tap to Organize feature, you can double click any number of messages to create tasks and notes from these conversations. By doing this you clean up the chat stream by adding & moving messages to the dedicated tasks and notes making everything more organized.Double click one message or a handful of messages into:
- New tasks or notes
- Comments in tasks or notes
You can also group several messages together so they don't take up too much space.

The feature is activated by double-clicking a message and then individually selecting other messages you want to include in the item you are creating.Check out this short video to see the feature in action!
More storage solutions for everyone
It is now possible to connect more of your favorite tools to Rock. Besides the already existing Google Drive integration, you can now also add the following storage providers to your files mini-app:
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Dropbox
- OneDrive
- Smartsheet

Other improvements web and desktop improvements
Based on user feedback, we’ve made a handful of small but important improvements:
- Sticky task board views - the Tasks mini-app now remembers the last view you had open, so if you last had the board view open the next time you open tasks again this view will automatically open again.
- Hidden event messages - We have hidden event messages from the messaging stream on both web and mobile. Reactions are still visible under the original message, but will no longer be displayed as actions in the messaging interface. This helps clean up the conversation panel and allows for more focused conversations.
- Now available on the Windows Store - In addition to being able to download Rock directly from our website, we also passed certification from Microsoft to be available in the Windows Store. This makes it a bit easier to find and install Rock and get going on your Windows computer.
Upgrades to mobile
We have made some substantial changes to the theme and messaging readability of the mobile apps. Check out the list below for a brief summary of the changes that the latest release has brought to the mobile apps.
- More beautiful mobile app with improved readability, colors, and theming.
- Bug fixes and speed improvements.
Messaging improvements
- Richer event messages for new tasks and notes
- Improved readability of messages
- Auto scroll to messages when opening notifications
- Add reactions, replies, copy, set aside, and more to message replies
- Hide event messages
Tasks mini-app ✅
- Add task lists as a filter
- Scroll to bottom in Board View when user creates a new task
- Files mini-app: Support OneDrive, Dropbox, Smartsheet, and Adobe Creative Cloud
PRO plan
- Duplicate spaces. Copy any space and reuse the same space tasks lists, tasks, and notes for multiple projects.
Questions about this product release? Reach out to us in the 'Rock Team’ space. We support most major languages and try to respond as soon as we can.