Claim your domain





Paid plans


Claiming your domain

After purchasing the Unlimited plan, you must claim your domain. This way, you will get access to different team members and manage them more easily. Claiming your domain is essential to keep your data safe and to confirm that you are indeed managing the domain.

Here's how you can claim your domain:

Step 1: Enter 'Domain Admin' in user settings (you must have purchased the Unlimited plan for it to appear).

Step 2: Copy the TXT code relating to your account.

Step 3: Browse to your domain provider's website and sign in with the domain you use for your Rock account (e.g., Godaddy, Namecheap, or Google). The following guide was done with

Step 4: Go to your domain's DNS record panel.

Step 5: You can leave the host name empty, change the type to TXT, and leave the default to TTL (3600) or enter 86400. You can paste the TXT record from your claim domain admin panel in ''Data". Once all information is added, press save.

Step 6: Wait for confirmation. In this case, google confirms that 'These DNS settings are active. Changes are published immediately but may take some time to propagate'.

Step 7: Return to Rock and press 'verify' in the claim domain admin panelIf verified correctly, the panel is renamed 'Domain Admin,' and you will be able to manage the different users who have signed up to Rock with your domain.

That's all! The membership management panel will unlock once you have successfully claimed your domain. You can now convert users in your domain to a manager, admin, suspend and so much more. Click here to learn more about member management.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm on a general email provider (,, etc), is it possible for me to claim a domain?

No, it is not possible for you to claim the domain as there is no ownership associated with the domain you are operating on.

The Claim Domain Admin panel is not appearing in my user settings, why is that?

The claim domain admin panel will not appear if you have a general email provider (,, etc). If you have a custom domain and the panel is still not visible then please reach out to us through the Rock Customer Support space or this link.

Does every manager in my team have to claim our domain?

No. Only the purchaser of the plan has to claim the domain once. After that, all members of your team will appear in the panel and you will be able to upgrade them to manager or admin depending on the functionality to want to share with them.

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