Product Update: Set Aside, Better Notifications, Polls...
We know keeping it simple and staying productive is a priority to you. This is why we have introduced these latest changes, so you can communicate and collaborate even more easily with your team…
Here’s what’s new.
✔️Set Aside
The Set Aside feature allows you to save tasks, notes, and messages to a dedicated set aside list that you can work on when you have time. Access the Set Aside panel on the left-hand panel in your browser or by tapping the Set Aside icon on mobile.
Better Notifications
Pick and choose if you want to be notified about activities in Rock through email, on mobile, or browser. Notifications have been expanded to Email and System. Notifications can be easily changed in account settings by clicking on the checkmark box.
The following Notifications have been introduced:
- Email Notifications ✉️ Email notifications will send a dedicated mail to your inbox for any of your selected activities.
- System Notifications System notifications will trigger each time a selected instance occurs on either mobile, web or desktop for a variety of activities.

Mute Notifications
Mute notifications when you want to have some time to focus, are out of the office, or would not like to receive notification sounds or emails during certain hours of the day.
Space level
You can mute notifications from a specific space by pressing the Mute option in space settings

All notifications
In addition to muting the notifications for specific spaces, you can also silence down Rock as a whole.
This can come in handy when you want to have some time to focus, are out of the office, or would not like to receive notification sounds or emails during certain hours of the day.

Gather feedback with polls
Get everyone’s opinion by creating a poll in a space. Use polls for anything from deciding on marketing taglines to figuring out what to do for next week’s happy hour. Here's how it works:
- Create a poll by pressing the icon at the bottom of your chat interface.
- Write your question and select the answers in the poll (you can add more fields if you need them).
- Decide whether respondents can select one or several options.
- Decide whether respondents are anonymous entries or not.

Improved Task Filters
Filter tasks in list view, board view, or My Tasks by assignee status so you can easily see which tasks are In Progress, Blocked, or Completed. Combine these new filters with labels, assignees, and task lists, so you can now more easily see what’s going on with all your tasks.

External spaces
Spaces that include people that are not part of your organization are now highlighted in Rock so you can quickly determine what’s relevant to share in each space. You can turn the external spaces badge on and off in your Account Settings.

If you have any questions about this product release, feel free to drop a message in the Rock Customer Support space.